HILLS AND FIELDS: Short talks about our life in the city. ‘Have you ever tried to hide? (workshop))


11-16 Μay 2022


Filopappou Hill/Pedion tou Areos/Stefi Hill/Lycabettus Hill/Polytechnic Street/ EIGHT / ΤΟ ΟΧΤΩ


A peripatetic public program on Hills and Fields of Athens invite us  to examine together the ephemeral habitations in public space under the current circumstances and explore the possibilities for intervention, resistance and joy. To reflect upon the emergent urban geographies and hegemonies and rethinking the relationship between art practice and mental health, architecture and pedagogy, poetry and urban praxis. A call for impromptu collective explorations in the public and in-between spaces of the city.

Performances, actions, discussions, talks, readings, picnic, interventions, walks and workshops for children and adults, seek to create a city-wide ephemeral intervention on Hills and Fields”; a call for repeated experimentations on the limits and uses of what is considered as the collective/shared spaces of the city.


FRIDAY 13 ΜΑΥ 2022

5:00 – 8:00 pm PEDIO TOU AREOS

Short talks for our lives in the city. Have you ever tried to hide? (workshop) Idea & Creation: Eleni TzirtzilakiMeeting Point: Entrance to the park from Alexandras, Statue of Athina*Registration is necessary at 8eightathens@gmail.com


Woman case

“Woman Case”, a silent walking activity together with performances, is for the most part held along Iera Odos Avenue.

Eleni Tzirtzilaki, Urban Mythology

Curating: Bia Papadopoulou, Artemis Potamianou

Silent Walking Iera Odos-Leonidou-Filodimou

It is inspired by wild female nature; two goddesses –Demeter and Persephone; confinement in the Psychiatric Hospital (“Dromokaiteio”, which is located at 343 Iera Odos Ave.); a personal story; as well as women’s precarious-vulnerable position in general.

It derives from women suffering from mental problems, usually as a result of patriarchy and women’s place in family and society.

Exploring different conditions of women through minor incidents, poetry, movement, sound, pictures (archived material, painting) is my theme. Continue reading

The letter

Amidst the solitude and fragility of the days …the letter



I am in Sifnos. I live in a house that feels like a refuge to me, at the footpath facing the little church of Taxiarchaki. The house has colorful openings gazing at the mountains and the sea; it has cats and a garden.

I’m here alone. I miss my friends, I miss art. The news arrive here from a distance, and the only thing new here is the changing weather.

I live in the extraordinary landscape of Sifnos that endures, even in the month of January. The island is beautiful, with something poetic to it – the soft January light, the seagulls, the lush green paths, the rubble walls, the vegetable gardens, the wild flowers. Continue reading

Synantiseis [encountering] of bodies.

Like fireflies that survive.

Eleni Tzirtzilaki, Nomadic Architecture

Walking through Fragile Landscapes, Futura, 2018


This text wishes to contribute – through symbolic artistic practices– to what is considered as nomadic art, community art within the public sphere.

The ground and its relation to the body is of great importance as far as this approach is concerned. The city is a dyamic, social space in transformation. The city is connected to the society as a whole, therefore it changes when society as a whole changes too. However, the transformations of the city are not the passive result of the global character of society, of the modifications it undergoes. The city also depends on the direct relations between the people and the groups that constitute society (Lefebvre 2007, 63).

So this question comes up: which are the ways of practicing freedom, today, in our field? What are the autonomous grounds and where are they created? How can one give space and time to new relations and to the multiple identities that emerge?

How can we create, within the city, spaces and temporalities able to produce new forms of art and life, forms that include every different identity, that offer new views within the field of politics, new methods of artistic practices that create –at the same time– multiple spacial expressions and shapes? How can these fluid spaces produce  communities and networks? Continue reading

Occupied Theater Embros: Designing and Maintaining the Commons in Athens under Crisis

An interview with Eleni Tzirtzilaki

by Ursula Dimitriou

Translated from Greek by Mary Christou

Published in “Design and Political Dissent,Spaces,Visuals,Materialities”, edited by Jilly Traganou, Routledge Research in design studies, 2021.

The Free Occupied Self-Organized Theater Embros[i] is one of several urban commons[ii] that emerged in Athens in the context of the Greek financial and social crisis.[iii]  Since that period, discussions about urban commons have become widespread among city dwellers, as it was increasingly evident that the city’s public spaces and property was treated by the state as asset ready for exploitation and threatened with enclosure. Continue reading

MEMORIA. Women in the Mountain.

AICA Hellas Theorimata 2: On History

October 1st – November 2nd 2020

EMST (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens), Temporary exhibitions space (-1)

MEMORIA. Women in the Mountain. Notebook 1: Readings, Notebook 2: The journey, Material: Videos of the public readings.

Curator: Bia Papadopoulou

Voices through silence. In the exhibition “Theorimata on History” by AICA Hellas at the EMST, in the Temporary exhibitions space, one may find my work MEMORIA. Women in the Mountain, curated by Bia Papadopoulou. One may find there the women and their stories. They come out of a years-long silence, at an important turning-point of contemporary Greek History, the condemnation by the court of law of Golden Dawn.

The 14 women are:

Xenia or Xenoula Athanassaki, Andriani Katartzoglou, Vagelio or Vagela Kladou aka Maria, Pagona Kokovli aka Katerina, Maria or Marika Ledaki, Koula Marathaki, Maria or Mario or Marika Boraki aka Teacher, Eleni Xerogiannaki, Eleni-Nitsa Papagiannaki aka Electra, Argyro Polycrhonaki, Eleftheria Papadogianni, Georgia Skevaki aka Skevogeorgia, Antonia Trikounaki, Athina Handabi. Continue reading

Book Presentation – “Nomadic Architecture. Walking through Fragile Landscapes”

Wednesday, October 17 at 18:00
Athens School of Architecture, Averof wing, amphitheatre A002

We invite you to the presentation-event of the bilingual edition Nomadic Architecture. Walking through Fragile Landscapes (futura, 2018) that will take place on Wednesday, October 17, at 6pm, in the Averof wing of the Athens School of Architecture (amphitheatre A002).

During the discussion, the following will speak: Gigi Argyropoulou (PhD in Theory of Art, director, curator), Daphne Vitali (art historian, curator EMST), Katerina Nasioka (sociologist), Nikos Kazeros (architect), Eleni Tzirtzilaki (PhD in architecture, community artist). The discussion will be coordinated by Pegi Zali (architect).

The launch will be accompanied by the video made for the event-performance “Exile Europa” (Christina Thomopoulou, Dimitris Samir, Eleni Tzirtzilaki, Stefanos Chandelis), the sound material of the “Home as a Fabric” (Maria Mantzari, Eleni Tzirtzilaki), and material from the “Nomadic/Topos/Athina” (Maro Zaxarogianni). Anna Tsouloufi, Eleni Vafiadi  Fani Sofologi and Angelos Skourtis will participate.

The book Nomadic Architecture. Walking through Fragile Landscapes is an archive of the actions of the Nomadic Architecture network, from 2006 up to today, through photographic material, texts and maps. The documentation material is interrupted by texts that aim at tracing the methodology and the practices of Nomadic Architecture: “A Change Made by Walking. Walking as an Artistic and Political Tool” by Daphne Vitali, “A Small Mountain of Soil” by Sophia Vyzoviti, “From Five Fingers to Nomadic Architecture Network” by Pagona Zali, “Notes on the Nomadic Architecture Actions” by Nina Pappa, “To Walk under the Trees” by Angelos Skourtis, “Walking on Shifting Grounds. Nomadism, Migration and Commons in Nomadic Architecture’s Actions” by Sevie Tsampalla, “Flesh, Stone and Contemporary Artistic Parctices” by Eva Fotiadi, the introductory text by Eleni Tzirtzilaki “Encounterings of Bodies. Like Fireflies That Survive”, as well as a discussion among Eleni Tzirtzilaki, Jilly Traganou, and Nikos Kazeros under the title “Life Jackets”.

The choice of the Athens School of Architecture for the book launch marks our wish to point to the fact that Architecture may be expressed variously and that it has to be present in all the events taking place in the city, dynamically and collectively, giving its support against the vulnerability that emerges in it. The actions of the Nomadic Architecture are being realized crossing this public space and urban voids and connect each body with the city soil-urban soil and other bodies. They lurk between architecture and art, appropriating elements of urban geography, anthropology, social sciences. Its practices include silent walking, the participation in squats of empty spaces in the city, testimonies and the connection of past situations with the present, they also regard the preparation of food, the creation of a garden or playing with the communities of people who inhabit a certain area, immigrants, women, children, as well as encounterings for the investigation of the crucial notion of home, as, e.g., in “Home as a Fabric”.

During this process, the significance of the participation of the bodies is very important: the actions are like flashes of light, flares in the dark, and the spirit companionship created each and every time is unique. These actions wish to constitute a promise of solidarity and reconciliation within social limitations, exclusions, precariousness and the conditions of social cannibalism that emerge.

With the publication of this book an era is coming to its end and a new one begins. Athens is changing – fear and violence being installed and the society gradually giving in to fascism. All we can do is to answer in our proper way, exploring new artistic practices. The encounterings of bodies in the city –the commons– acquire a particular significance.

Refugees walking in a dark Europe

In her article titled “We refugees”,[1] Hannah Arendt writes: “Well it is true we have had to seek refuge; but we committed no acts and most of us never dreamt of having a radical opinion”. She adds: “Even among ourselves we don’t speak of this past. Instead, we have found our own way of mastering an uncertain future. Since everybody plans and wishes and hopes, so do we”.  She concludes: “Refugees driven from country to country represent the vanguard of their peoples”. What she reveals is the conscience of the refugee throughout history. Continue reading

Home as fabric | Wednesday, 31 May 2017, 17.00-20.30

Wednesday, 31 May 2017, 17.00- 20.30  Dwelling / ASFA BBQ, Pireos Street 256, Program: http://asfabarbecue2017.weebly.com/program.html

Home as fabric

Home, a place of desires, fragrances, love, memories, dreams. A home on the move, hidden, silent, disturbed, vulnerable, in debt, smuggled.

The home, vulnerable as a fabric but also made of fabric.

Beloved yarns, ropes, fabrics, given as gifts by women at their meetings, the papers with the answers to the questions, photographs from the place of exile where father lived in the island of Makronisos, a letter that he wrote from a hidden home during the first days of the dictatorship, photographs from the “homes” of the refugees in Moria, a poem, a drawing, a embroidery piece, a piece of fabric, are some of the traces that compose the home as a fabric.    Continue reading


Silent walking 14 Mai 2017 /15 .00 Plato’s Academy

Athens is a city of southern Europe where urban planning
is unclear, where there are many unemployed and homeless
people as well as many empty apartments and closed shops,
where the city is often very reminiscent of an installation and
magic is often hidden beneath the cement.

It is a city that refugees and immigrants come to in order to leave
for the North as soon as possible, but many do not succeed as
they are blocked by the closed borders and often they end up
residing here, where squats/hospitality spaces for refugees are
in the center. Continue reading

Silent walk 13, 14 May 2017

Nomadic / Topos / Athens
13, 14 Mai 2017

Athens is a city of southern Europe where urban planning is unclear, where there are many unemployed and homeless people as well as many empty apartments and closed shops, where the city is often very reminiscent of an installation and magic is often hidden beneath the cement.

It is a city that refugees and immigrants come to in order to leave for the North as soon as possible, but many do not succeed as they are blocked by the closed borders and often they end up residing here, where squats/hospitality spaces for refugees are in the center.
Continue reading

Home as fabric 

The project is based on the notion of home as something fragile, vulnerable and precarious. It takes place online and in physical spaces through performances -actions and meetings. Participants are mainly women.

Home as a site of desires, perfumes, loves, memories, dreams. Home as hidden, silent, disturbed, vulnerable, in debt, clandestine.

We initially invite women to respond to a series of questions* and through their answers we attempt a mapping of the concept of home. Continue reading

Exile Europa – Urban Action and performance 15th Venice Biennale of Architecture


Exile Europa

Urban Action and performance 15th Venice Biennale of Architecture

In the context of the Greek participation #‎ThisIsACo_op, Association of Greek Architects (SADAS)/on Saturday September 17th in the Greek pavilion – Giardini.

Performance:Stefanos Chandelis,Christina Thomopoulou,Dimitris Samir,Eleni Tzirtilaki

Presentation Lena Altinoglou”Lesvos Solidarity-PIKPA: The creation and the evolution of a self-managed refugee camp”, with a video screening. An open discussion will follow, connecting the contexts of Greece and Italy.

Workshop Biennale Urbana (Andrea Curtoni, Giulia Mazzorin), Alessandra Pomarico (Free Home University), Nation 25 (Ca- terina Pecchioli), Over The Fortress, The Nationless Pavillon (Sara Alberani), S.a.l.e-Docks, Stalker (Lorenzo Romito) Σε συνεργασία με τις: Sara Alberani (Nation25, The Nationless Pavilion), Alessandra Pomarico (Free Home Univer- sity)

Nomadic Architecture,With Nails and Teeth Workshop https://menychiakaimedontiain collaboration with: Sara Alberani (Nation25, The Nationless Pavilion), Alessandra Pomarico (Free Home Univer- sity)